Our story

Honesty. Alpacas have such warm fleece that they will often choose to sleep outside even in inclement weather.

Why we have alpacas is probably the most asked question we get.

We purchased our house in 2016 and it came with a small paddock. Mowing a paddock was very time consuming so we initially borrowed some rams from a local sheep farmer. But my husband always said he wanted us to have an animal we could breed so the children would have the experience of watching births and seeing young animals.

We toyed with getting ewes for a while. But sheep births are notoriously difficult, especially for novices like us. Pygmy goats were also considered but they don’t graze particularly well and we wanted to protect and nurture the land.

By chance, my husband visited a local country show and an alpaca breeder was there and they got talking. Over the next few months we researched into alpacas, and every single aspect matched our requirements.

They are the perfect fit for us. Graze well, including taking the lower leaves and branches off trees to give a very satisfying head-height topiary. Very gentle on the land, no turning it up or creating muddy patches. Their poo is incredible fertiliser which not only gives back to the paddock but we can also use it for plants. Low-maintenance, just a small handful of pellets daily, vitamin injections three times a year, occasional toe nail trimming, and annual shearing. Otherwise they just need access to vegetation, hay, water, and shelter.

Alpacas are also very self-sufficient at giving birth. It’s unlikely that they need intervention (although ours have, once in late pregnancy and another due to malposition in labour). They also tend to give birth during the middle part of the day. All of which makes them ideal for us to be able to give the children the experiences we wanted to. We were fortunate enough to welcome our first cria, Fleur, in 2020. Followed by three boys in 2021. The girls are having a rest from pregnancy now, but we hope to welcome some more cria in summer 2024.

(l-r) Scout (dark brown), Cara (fawn), Honesty (black), Fleur (white, standing), Joey (fawn), Holly (white), and Desmond (white).

The amazing fleece wasn’t actually a driver in our decision. But over the past few years we’ve learned more and more about its unique qualities and sustainable credentials. That has led us to want to share our luxury products with the world.